GEDGEDORE high-torque cordless wrenches are indispensable in numerous applications. They are used in the assembly of wind turbines, steel and bridge construction, and the maintenance of large machinery. Wherever high torques and absolute precision are required, these tools provide the perfect solution. GEDORE stands for quality and innovation, ensuring that your projects are executed safely and efficiently. For more information and technical details, please visit our product pages or contact our sales team.ORE high-torque cordless wrenches are indispensable in numerous applications. They are used in the assembly of wind turbines, steel and bridge construction, and the maintenance of large machinery. Wherever high torques and absolute precision are required, these tools provide the perfect solution. GEDORE stands for quality and innovation, ensuring that your projects are executed safely and efficiently. For more information and technical details, please visit our product pages or contact our sales team.

GEDORE Torque Solutions GmbH
Bertha-Benz-Str. 12
D-71665 Vaihingen/Enz

Phone: +49(0)7042 - 9441-0
Fax: +49(0)7042 - 9441-41

We look forward to your inquiry. You can also experience our high-torque tools live: We exhibit at industry-standard trade shows and events. Feel free to check the upcoming dates.